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    The National Football League Alumni Association (NFLA) has teamed up with Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) in an important fight—to raise awareness among league alumni and football fans about the screening, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. CTCA has teamed up with the NFLA to raise men’s awareness of the need to get screened for prostate cancer during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (September), and treat NFL alumni who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at any of its Comprehensive Cancer Care and Research Centers (Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix and Tulsa)..

    The partnership is designed to make an impact on a disease that afflicts nearly one in seven U.S. men. Prostate cancer ranks as the second most common cancer among U.S. men, behind non-melanoma skin cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that 233,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in the United States in 2014, and more than 29,000 men succumbed to the disease.

    “Routine screening” has significantly improved the outlook for men with prostate cancer, which is very treatable when diagnosed early. And innovative technology has helped reduce the side effects of treatment,” said Maurie Markman, MD, President of Medicine and Science at CTCA.

    The NFL Alumni Association, a group of former league players, coaches and other employees committed to helping ex-players and their families with medical, financial and social programs, says the partnership fits neatly into the organization’s mission. “Providing health and wellness programs to our members is a priority for the NFLA, and this partnership addresses one of the biggest health concerns among men today,” says Beasley Reece, NFLA’s President and CEO.